日本財団 図書館


6. Fire Prevention Countermeasures
7. Promoting projects to make the cities free from disaster
8. Reserving refuges and evacuation routes
9. Prior implementation of road traffic regulation
10. Preparation of emergency equipment
11. Research and development of earthquake preparations
12. Consideration of the introduction of earthquake insurance
(3) Emergency Disaster Countermeasures
1. Establishing the Headquarters for Disaster Countermeasures, etc.
2. Emergency measures
3. The system for collection and transmission of information
4. Measures for fire protection
5. Measures for evacuation
6. Measures for securing transportation in cases of emergency
7. Emergency restoration of facilities
8. Rescue measures
9. Security measures
10. Deployment of the Self-Defence Force in times of disaster
(4)Guidelines for Reconstruction after an earthquake disaster
1. Stabilization of public welfare
2. Plans for Reconstruction after Earthquake Disaster
3. Quick recovery of the economic order
Outlines of General Principles relating to Preparations for an Earthquake Directly Below the Southern Kanto Region' As has been mentioned before, it is pointed out that there is undoubtedly a growing possibility of earthquakes occurring below the Southern Kanto Region in the near future. But at the present time, it is considered to be extremely difficult to predict this type of earthquake. Therefore, in the Southern Kanto Region, it would be far from possible to take a series of





